
College Board MC Review

My Score:



Question 2:

SCR-20231222-tqtv The correct answer was D. I chose B because I misunderstood what the question was asking and chose the least accurate one insteasd of the most accurate which would have been with multiple citizens

Question 11:

SCR-20231222-trvp The correct answer was A. I chose B because I thought the problem would be easy and just did mental math which turned out to give me the wrong answer

Question 16

SCR-20231222-tssn The correct answer was D. When I was examining the code, I thought that if I added an index-1 in between lines 6 and 7, it would terminate. But that would be inside the if statement and still not terminate, therefore D was correct.

Question 23

Question-23 The correct answer was D. This is becuse the flowchart sets available to true whenever weekday is true and miles is less than 20. And it sets available to false otherwise.

Question 35

SCR-20231222-tuoq The correct answer is B. This is because for C, the MaxFor procedure calculates the max of multiple numbers but doesn’t generalize it for any number

Question 39

SCR-20231222-tvex The correct answer is C. This is because the first element on the list is not included so lines 5 and 6 hould be switched

Question 42

SCR-20231222-tvyw The correct answer is D. The boolean will not work correctly with C because when the score is below the target, at some point the boolean with return false when it should return true

Question 52

SCR-20231222-twsy The correct answer is A. This is because statement two is false because the simulation displays change of the population, not the population at the end.

Concepts I struggled with:


I feel like the score I got represents and reflects my journey in the class and showed me what I need to review for the AP exam. I now know that I need to work on my conceptual problems surrounding Digital Divide, developing algorithims, and crowdsourcing as those concepts were a little shakey on the quiz. I also know my strong points such as code based problems and internet related problems such as questions about IP routing. I will continue reveiwing college board concepts adn this quiz to prepare for the AP exam. Looking through the college board videos should prepare me well for the exam and I will try my hardest to absorb as much knowledge as I can so I can be more prepared and less reliant on previous instincts about computer science.

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