
Team Test

Team Test

Program with Output:

print("This is a Jupyter Notebook made for the team test")

Program with Input/Output:

user_name = input("Please enter your name: ")

print(f"Hello, {user_name}! Welcome to our notebook.")

Program with list:

shopping_list = ["Milk", "Bread", "Onions", "Oil"]
print("Shopping List:")
for item in shopping_list:
    print("• " + item)

Program with a dictionary:

book = {"name": "Harry Potter", "author": "J. K. Rowling", "description": "Harry Potter is a young wizard destined for greatness in the magical world."}
print("Name:", book["name"])
print("Author:", book["author"])
print("Description:", book["description"])

Program with iteration

rows = 5
for i in range(1, rows + 1):
    print(" " * (rows - i) + " ".join(str(j) for j in range(1, i * 2)))

Program with a function

def calculate_sum(a, b):
    return a + b

print("Pick two numbers to be added together")
a = int(input("Pick number one: "))
b = int(input("Pick number two: "))

result = calculate_sum(a, b)
print("Number one:", a)
print("Number two:", b)
print("Sum:", result)

Program with a Selection/Condition

print("Enter the weather type right now for advice")
weather = input("Enter the weather (sunny, rainy): ").lower()

if weather == "sunny":
    print("If the weather is sunny, enjoy the sun and use sunscreen")
elif weather == "rainy":
    print("If the weather is rainy, try to stay inside but if not, use an umbrella and wear a poncho")
    print("Sorry, ", weather, "was not one of the options. Please try again")

Program with purpose:

def calculate_tax(amount, tax_rate):
    return amount * (tax_rate / 100)

    tax_rate = int(input("Enter the tax rate (in whole numbers, e.g., 7 for 7%): "))
    amount_spent = float(input("Enter the amount spent: $"))

    if tax_rate < 0 or amount_spent < 0:
        print("Tax rate and amount spent cannot be negative.")
        tax_amount = calculate_tax(amount_spent, tax_rate)
        total_amount = amount_spent + tax_amount

        print(f"Tax amount: ${tax_amount:.2f}")
        print(f"Total amount after tax: ${total_amount:.2f}")

except ValueError:
    print("Invalid input. Please enter valid numbers for tax rate and amount spent.")

Tester function

First import that math module to take square roots

import math

Create a function that takes a square root of a number. However, there is an error where the code doesn’t know what to do if the number is negative as square roots of negative numbers are not real and it can cause issues.

def calculate_square_root(num):
    return math.sqrt(num)

Start debugging the function with try, except, if, and else. Then give the function two numbers. One negative and one positive. The negative will print an error but the positive will print a real number

def test_calculate_square_root(num):
        if num < 0:
            raise ValueError("Cannot calculate square root for a negative number")
            print(f"The square root of {num} is: {math.sqrt(num)}")
    except ValueError as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")

# Test and debug function

Correct the function to explain the error

def calculate_square_root(num):
        if num < 0:
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot calculate square root for {num} as it is a negative number.")
            print(f"The square root of {num} is: {math.sqrt(num)}")
    except ValueError as e:
        return None

# Test the final function
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