
Week 3 Lab Notebook

Week 3 Lab Notebook

Stock Simulator Graphs

This is a continuation of the Stock Simulator Math where we instead now display the data on graphs.



Skills used/learned:

Weather Lookup description:

I wanted to have at least one project that used an API key for something, and I decided that doing a weather app would be the most convenient. Using an OpenWeatherMap API key, I was able to fetch weather data from any city that was inputted and display the results.



Skills used/learned:

AI Story Generator:

I wanted to use Python to do something with AI, and my idea originally started as an AI Rap song generator, but it wouldn’t rap and would instead provide stories based on a prompt. So using a pre-trained GPT-2 Model, I decided to just let it be a story generator and I gave it a prompt to expand on, and it returned a full story.



Skills used/learned:

Cube Catcher

I wanted to create a GUI-based 2D JavaScript game, and I decided that a 2D Cube that followed the mouse and collected other cubes was simple yet still required lots of code.



Skills used/learned:

Linux Script

Since creating Linux interaction is VS Code was on the pair showcase rubric, I decided to create a simple file management script that allows the user to quickly move, copy, delete, or organize their files.



Skills used/learned:

Chat GPT Voice Assistant

I wanted to be able to speak to an AI voice assistant and have it respond with a voice, so I used my OpenAI API key to send a message to Chat GPT and return it. This was possible because of the gTTS module that turned my question into text that could be sent to ChatGPT and turn GPT’s text response into speech.



Skills used/learned:


I wanted to create one of those arcade stacker games but didn’t know where to start, so I did some research and found a Youtube Tutorial that explained how to use the P5 library to create the game. I followed the tutorial step by step and made a similar product to what is in the video. I also added a start and stop button.



Skills used/learned:

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