
Computing Bias

Human Biases Reflected As Computer Biases

Bias: prejudice in favor of or against a thing, person, or group

What is “computer bias”?

The existence of prejudiced outcomes in the decisions or predictions made by computer systems/algorithms. Bias can be implemented into algorithms because of human biases being intentionally inserted or because of the data utilized being biased.

Explicit Data: Information directly provided by user.

Implicit Data: Infomration that can inferred from explicit data.

Based on either explicit/implicit data that has been used to train an algorithm, whether intentionally introduced or during the process of training data generation, bias can be created.

A notable example of this is seen in Netflix, where there are is a human factor that drives bias: Netflix exclusives are placed ahead (a show that is a Netflix exclusive means that users will be more likely to stay with Netflix). The bias in this case is Netflix’s prioritzation towards Netflix-produced shows.

Hack 1:

What is another example of a human bias being implemented into an algorithm?

Answer: App store promoting their own exclusive apps more

Reducing Bias

Programmers should take action to reduce bias in algorithms used for computing innovations as a way of combating existing human biases. Softwares need to be unbiased, consider all everything, and reject human bias.

Things to consider when developing programs:

Hack 2:

What is another way a programmer can reduce bias in their softwares?

Answer: Having a diverse team

Types of Bias in Software Development

Biases can be embedded at all levels of software development.

It can be intentional or unintentional. Some software development are made for a certain market and ensure that people of certain places or demographics can use them easily. However, this doesn’t mean that they are trying to exclude.




Hack 3:

What are some other examples of intentional and/or unintentional bias in innovations (games, social media, technology, etc.)?

Answer: Social media can create biased suggestions in their ads


Question 1:

Define “computer bias” in your own words and explain how it can result from intentional or unintentional factors in software development. Give a brief example of this. Explain how programmers can actively work to reduce bias in their algorithms?

Answer: Computer bias is pretty much unfair results from a program/algorithim that can ruin things. An example is a job recruiter that favors people of certain demographics. This can be lessened by making sure that moral principles are followed

Question 2:

Briefly describe the two types of bias in software development and provide examples from the gaming industry and social media platforms. How might biases in software design affect user engagement and experiences?

Answer: Those created by implicit and explicit data that the program uses. Examples include video games and social media suggestions.

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