August 2023
- Use mkdir to create a directory, then use cd to navigate into that directory.
- Use git clone to create a local copy of a GitHub repository in the created directory.
- Run bundle install where the Gemfile is located to download all dependencies (usually in the VS Code terminal of the project).
- Ensure you have the correct Ruby and Python versions by using ruby -v and python –version.
- Use Python’s pip command to download nbconvert, nbformat, and pyyaml in order to run the make command.
- After opening the server address, start making edits to the index.md file to change the main home page.
- For MacOS troubleshooting:
- In the terminal, run cd vscode, then cd teacher, cd scripts.
- Use ls to list files in the folder. You will see a file called activate_macos.sh.
- Run ./activate_macos.sh and let it run.