
Basics of Javascript

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How to use javascript in any of your pages

<h3>Page Heading</h3>
<p>Paragraph description of page</p>
    console.log("Output to console, showing that JavaScript code is running")

Page Heading

Paragraph description of page

Writing text to console.log

Try code with Console

Storing data

Types of data

Name the Data

Accessing data


// create variables
var firstName = "Rohan"
var lastName = 'Juneja'
var age = 17;
var isSchoolDay = true; 

// inspect values and type
console.log(firstName, typeof firstName)
console.log(lastName, typeof lastName)
console.log(age, typeof age)
console.log(isSchoolDay, typeof isSchoolDay)


String Operators

Assignment Operator


// string assignment
var name1 = "Doe"
var name2 = "Doe"

// compare names
console.log("String Comparison")
console.log("name1", name1)
console.log("name2", name2)
console.log("name1 == name2", name1 == name2)

// changing the value of name1 and repeat compare
console.log("String Comparison after change")
name1 = "John"  // reassign
console.log("name1", name1)
console.log("name2", name2)
console.log("name1 == name2", name1 == name2)

console.log("String Concatenation")
console.log(name1 + " " + name2)

Number Operators

Assignment Operator


var age1 = 17
var age2 = 16
var age3 = '17'

console.log("Number Comparisons")
console.log("age1:", age1)
console.log("age2:", age2)
console.log("age3:", age3)
console.log("age1 == age2", age1 == age2)
console.log("age1 == age3", age1 == age3)
console.log("age1 === age3", age1 === age3)
console.log("age1 > age2", age1 > age2)
console.log("age1 < age2", age1 < age2)

var num1 = 9
var num2 = 5
console.log("Arithmetic Operations")
console.log("num1:", num1)
console.log("num2:", num2)
console.log("num1 + num2", num1 + num2)
console.log("num1 - num2", num1 - num2)
console.log("num1 * num2", num1 * num2)
console.log("num1 / num2", num1 / num2)
console.log("num1 % num2", num1 % num2)


Conditional Statements


// the above example in code
console.log("Alarm Example")

var tommorowIsSchoolDay = false

if (tommorowIsSchoolDay) {
    // this code runs if tommorw is a school day
    console.log("Setting alarm for 8am")
} else {
    // this code runs if tommorow is not a school day
    console.log("Setting alarm for 10am")

Conditional Statements + Operators

console.log("If statements + Operators")
var age1 = 17
var age2 = 37

if (age1 > age2) {
    // runs if age1 is more than age2
    console.log("age1 is more than age2")

} else if (age1 == age2) {
    // runs if age1 and age2 are the same
    console.log("age1 is the same as age2")

// (age1 < age2)
} else  {
    // runs if age2 is more than age1
    console.log("age1 is less than age2")




    .Text p{
        align-items: center;
    button {
        padding: 10px 20px;
        background-color: #007bff;
        color: #fff;
        border: none;
        border-radius: 5px;
        cursor: pointer;
        transition: background-color 0.3s;
      button:hover {
        background-color: #0056b3;

<input type="number" id="a" name="a" placeholder="Number 1; EX: 10">

<input type="number" id="b" name="b" placeholder="Number 2; EX: 10">

<button onclick="compare()">Compare</button>

<p id="placeholder"></p>

    function compare() {
        var num1 = document.getElementById("a").value;
        var num2 = document.getElementById("b").value;
        var result = document.getElementById("placeholder");

        if(num1 > num2){
            console.log("Number 1 is greater than Number 2");
            result.textContent = "Number 1 is greater than Number 2";
        } else if (num1 < num2) {
            console.log("Number 1 is less than Number 2")
            result.textContent = "Number 1 is less than Number 2";
        } else if (num1 == num2) {
            console.log("Number 1 is equal to Number 2");
            result.textContent = "Number 1 is equal to Number 2";
        } else {
            console.log("Unexpected error");
            result.textContent = "Please try again with different numbers";

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